Which African country has the most chimpanzees? The African country with the most chimpanzees is…
How many chimpanzees are in Kibale National Park?
How many chimpanzees are in Kibale National Park? Kibale National Park, located in Uganda, is renowned for having one of the largest populations of chimpanzees in the country. The park is home to an estimated 1,500 chimpanzees, spread across multiple communities. This population makes Kibale one of the best places in Africa for chimpanzee tracking and research.

Kibale chimpanzee trekking safari: How many chimpanzees are in Kibale National Park?
- Habitat: Kibale is a tropical rainforest, providing a rich environment for chimpanzees and other wildlife. It has a variety of ecosystems, including tropical rainforests, wetlands, and grasslands, offering abundant food sources and nesting sites for chimpanzees.
- Chimpanzee Communities: These chimpanzees are divided into several communities, each with its own social structure and territorial boundaries. The size of each community can vary, with some groups containing over 100 individuals.
- Research and Habituation: The chimpanzees in Kibale have been the focus of long-term research, and many of the groups have been habituated to human presence. This habituation process is critical for tourism, as it allows visitors to observe the chimpanzees in their natural habitat without disturbing their natural behavior.
- Tracking: Chimpanzee trekking in Kibale is a popular activity, particularly in the Kanyanchu area, where tourists can see chimpanzees in the wild, observe their social behavior, feeding habits, and how they build their nests.
Kibale is considered a significant site for chimpanzee conservation, with ongoing efforts to protect these primates and their habitat, especially in light of threats like poaching and habitat loss. The park is also home to other primate species, including the endangered red colobus monkey and the black-and-white colobus monkey, but the chimpanzees are the main attraction.
How many chimpanzees are in Kibale National Park? For more information about the chimpanzee population in Kibale, contact us or the Uganda Wildlife Authority, the government body managing all the national parks and natural resources in Uganda.