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Murchison Falls National Park Safari

Murchison Falls National Park offers an exceptional Murchison Falls National Park safari experience, with everything from hippos splashing in the Victoria Nile on a boat trip to the grunting of a lion during a game drive.

Murchison Falls At A Glance.

Just around 5 hours separate Kampala from the top safari location of Murchison Falls National Park in northwest Uganda. Explorers John Speke and James Grant made the first trip there in 1862, and British explorer Sir Samuel Baker gave it a name in 1864.

In 1952, it was designated as one of Uganda’s first national parks, and it is today one of the region’s biggest protected areas. The Nile cuts through the middle of Murchison Falls National Area, plunging 43 meters through a 7-meter gorge to form the iconic Murchison Falls that give the park its name.

To see the various animals, people go from all over the world. Past guests of note include The Queen Mother, Theodore Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Theodore Roosevelt.

Animals To See On a Murchison Falls National Park Safari

The largest conservation area in Uganda and home to a wide variety of animals is Murchison Falls National Park. Four of the “Big Five” animals, including elephants, lions, buffaloes, and leopards, reside in the park (though the leopards have an elusive reputation, so are rarely seen).

Hippos, hartebeests, warthogs, oribis, waterbucks, Uganda kobs, grey duikers, and crocodiles can be found by the water. Although hyenas reside in the park, they are rarely observed during the day because they are typically nocturnal animals.

The prehistoric shoebill stork, goliath heron, grey crowned crane, black-headed lapwing, Abyssinian ground hornbill, and Senegal thick-knee are just a few of the many bird species attracted to the Victoria Nile.

At Murchison, you can also find Rothschild’s giraffes, which are severely endangered and number 1,450 north of the Nile and 45 south. About half of the giraffes at Rothschild’s are found in the park.

Ways Of A Murchison Falls National Park Safari

Boat Cruise

Start off your safari adventure with a Nile cruise. Take The Albert Delta down the peaceful waterway before the Nile splits and reaches Lake Albert, away from the ferocious Murchison Falls. This early-morning trip offers a peaceful experience as it floats by papyrus-lined riverbanks while viewing birds (including the extinct shoebill stork).

During a 4-5 hour trip in the afternoon, look for animals along the riverbank while relaxing as darkness falls.

The Launch, the second voyage, departs from Paraa and marches in the direction of the rumbling Murchison Falls. Along the way, you’ll see animals dipping their toes in the water to cool off and looking for fresh, green grass to nibble on along the banks.

You might catch a glimpse of the safari’s signature all-day rainbow as you approach the falls. The equator passes across Uganda, therefore the sun is nearly constantly up. A natural, colorful work of art is produced above the falls as a result of the interaction between the sunlight and the water from the falls.

Every day, the cruises depart at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Elephants, buffalo, giraffes, hippos, crocodiles, and other animals are frequently seen near the river.a

Game Drives

As soon as you are in the 4×4, a guide will point you tracks that lead into the savannah grasslands where you can encounter wildlife.

The most well-traveled route is along the Buligi Peninsula, where you’ll pass through savannah, woods, and riverine vegetation before arriving at the ideal triangle of grassland where the Victoria Nile meets Lake Albert.

A knowledgeable guide will educate you on the savannah, the park’s history, and the animals you’re looking for. A nice spot to drink refreshments while admiring hippos and crocodiles bathing in the far-off water is on the Buligi Peninsula. The drives last between 2-4 hours and start at 7am and 4pm. The flat savannah plains provide good views of wildlife.


Hot Air Balloon

The newest addition to Murchison Falls National Park is a hot air balloon safari. Dream Balloons, which was certified and registered in 2011, manages the excursions. Ages 6 and up are allowed to ride in a balloon with up to 8 other passengers.

As soon as you arrive, a team member will accompany you to the launch location near Paraa where you can see them make their final preparations. While you hear the safety briefing, you’ll be given a cool beverage.

During the hour-long ride, you’ll receive a breathtaking aerial perspective of the savannah. You might see wildlife hiding out while you float through the air, along with creatures in Lake Albert and the Nile.

A sunset slot is also provided by the weightless mode of transportation. As you ascend into the warm air, you will view acres of grassland and wildlife illuminated by the mellow orange dusk light.

The journeys depart at 5 a.m. and 4 p.m., respectively. Children 12 and younger receive a 50% discount. The price includes the one-hour flight, certificates to verify your travel, and pre- and post-flight refreshments.

Chimps Share Environment With Others

Chimpanzees Are Our Closest Relatives in DNA

Ashy Red Colobus

Spend Great With Eye Sights On The Chimps

Red-Tailed Monkey

When Is The Best Time For A Murchison Falls National Park Safari?

Murchison Falls Weather

Murchison Falls National Park Safari is best visited done in between December and February, which is the dry season. During this time, the heat causes animals to gravitate toward the water, making it simpler to see them on game drives.

The park is hot all year round, but January and February are particularly hot months. If you want to visit then, be sure to pack lots of drink and sunscreen for your safari.

The summer months of June through September are the busiest for tourism because of the better weather and low likelihood of precipitation. You must make reservations well in advance during this time because permits and lodging may be more difficult to find.

The greatest time to go birding is during the rainy season when there is the most rainfall and the arrival of migratory birds.


Murchison Falls National Park Safari Detailed

Day 1: Your guide will pick you up from Entebbe Airport and begin the five-hour journey to Murchison Falls in the north.

You can make a pit stop at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary along the way, which is home to Uganda’s only wild rhinoceros. You’ll track the rhinos and watch them in their natural environment with the aid of a guide. At the rhino sanctuary, you’ll eat lunch before continuing on to Murchison. When you arrive in Murchison, a driver will drop you off at your hotel.

Day 2: The day will begin with an early breakfast in your lodge, followed by a game drive along the Nile’s northern bank. Four of the “Big Five” may be seen on Builigi’s tracks.

You will be dropped off at Paraa in the afternoon for a Nile cruise. After arriving at Murchison Falls, you will disembark at “The Baker Point,” where a 45-minute guided hike will begin.

The roar of the falls, which accompanies you throughout your journey before submerging you in noise as you reach the top of the falls, drowns out the birds’ peaceful humming.

You can watch as it drops 43 meters to the ground, making an amazing splash as it does so.

Day 3: Get up early, have breakfast at the lodge, then leave at 5 a.m. for Paraa to ride in a hot air balloon. Ascending above the savannah plains from here, you’ll see the animals waking up as you travel home.

Your 5-hour return trip to Entebbe will begin after your hot air balloon adventure.

What Else Can I Do At Murchison Falls National Park

Budongo Forest Reserve,

More than 600 chimpanzees are protected in the Budongo Forest Reserve, which also provides wonderful opportunity for chimp trekking from Kaniyo Pabidi.

After meeting your guide at 7 am and receiving a safety briefing, you will embark on a 3-hour hike to see the chimpanzees through the mahogany tree-lined pathways.

As soon as you get there, you will stick together in your group and spend an hour watching them play, groom, and feed their young. Your tour might also lead you to see olive baboons, white and black colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, and blue monkeys in addition to chimpanzees.

If you plan to visit during peak season, you must reserve well in advance as there are only 16 permits sold each day. To purchase one, you must be at least 15 years old.


Accommodation Options For a Murchison Falls National Park Safari

Sambiya  River Lodge

The peak of Murchison Falls is 20 minutes away from Sambiya River Lodge.

The lodge has 26 beautiful double rooms with en-suite bathrooms and private verandas where guests can take in the sights and sounds of Africa. The rooms are housed in traditional thatched cottages.

Additionally, 12 basic bandas with reasonable rental rates are available.

Budongo Eco Lodge

Stay at the Budongo Eco Lodge for eco-friendly cabins with en-suite bathrooms and private verandas overlooking the forest if you want to sleep in the heart of the Budongo forest.

You can stay in one of the four available dorm rooms for a trip that is reasonably priced. The area around this resort is ideal for bird watching and forest treks.

Paraa Lodge

North-western Uganda is home to the 1954-founded Paraa Safari Lodge, which has a view of the Nile. Offering a selection of opulent lodging, Paraa Lodge is the ideal fusion of leisure and exploration.

The 54 rooms at the lodge all have balconies and private bathrooms. The safari tent, which is close to the main lodge and offers a more genuine experience with a fantastic finish, is an option.

What Should I Pack For My Murchison Falls National Park Safari?

List Of Things To Pack

When you make a reservation with us, we’ll email you a complete kit list of items to bring on your trip. Generally speaking, we advise you to bring lightweight clothing that will still give you adequate sun protection.

Bring a dry bag to protect your electronics on the Nile in addition to good hiking boots. Sunscreen and insect repellant are also essential! It’s important to pack lightly but wisely. All you’ll require are items to safeguard you from the elements in Africa.

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