Glaciers in Africa.
Let’s first understand the term glaciers; these are large perennial accumulations of crystalline ice, snow, rocks, sediment, and the often-liquid water that originates on the land and which moves down the slope under the influence of their own weight and gravity.
We have got some glaciers growing in the polar regions in areas of green land, the Canadian Arctic and the Antarctica region. These glaciers are made up of fallen snow that gets compressed into ice over many centuries. They also move slowly downwards from the pull of gravity. However, other glaciers have also grown in the East African countries in the highest peaks of the mountains between 10000 and 15000 years. These glaciers are rapidly melting at a terrible speed and it is belied that in the time to come, these glaciers will have perished completely.

How many glaciers are in Africa?
Glaciers in Africa cover a total area of around 10km2. Africa has got several locations where glaciers are found. These locations include; the Rwenzori mountain, mountain Kilimanjaro, and mountain Kenya.
In 1906, half of the 7.5km2 was covered by a total number of 43 glaciers which filled over 6 peaks within the mountain ranges. Glaciers in Africa are un relied on because of the increased pollution in the world that has made it disappear day and night making it perish.
Because of the unsettled weather condition, we talked above in above, glaciers started disappearing day by day.
What countries have glaciers in Africa?
Africa has got over 4 countries so far that have glaciers. The Rwenzori Mountains are situated on the border between Uganda and the democratic republic of Congo. They are also located on the mountains Stanley peak, Margherita peak, and finally, reach the height which is over 1509m.
Mountain Kenya is the second tallest mountain in Africa with an elevation of over 5199m. This mountain is situated in the Centre of Kenya.
Mountain Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain with a height of 5855m. It is also located in northern Tanzania.
What is the largest glacier in Africa?
Mountain Kilimanjaro is so far the largest glacier in Africa. Alternatively, there are other glaciers which include; the credner glacier, Furtwangler glacier and so on.
Due to the increased sunlight on the northwestern slope of mountain Kilimanjaro, the credner glacier has at a high rate been demolished.
Research says, in case the credner glacier goes on to reduce, by 2030 it will have all perished and no more.
Glaciers in the Rwenzori Mountains.
Klaus Thymanns expedition used a method of comparing images to prove that mountain Baker and mountain Speke had lost glaciers and are no longer having glaciers.
Research says that there is still a chance to see the African glaciers on the 5 mountains before they perish completely.
However, Africa more so in the ranges of Rwenzori, there is a mountain know as mountain Stanley that still has full glaciers but by the end of 2025, it is believed that they will also have perished.
The surrounding people and eco system have been advised and cautioned about the dangers of the daily melting glaciers by Richard Taylor of University College London. This means that they have to always be ready and alert about any coming danger.